QTYDRILL 2:00Wall Touches:30 each; Crossover, Right leg forward, Left leg forward, Behind the back Beginners may do Magic 7 Dribbling (7 types of dribbling, 50 each) 1:004 Corners #Pound Dribbling# thru leg, # behind back, # crossover, repeat all 1:00 4 Corners Dribblingthru legs, behind back, crossover, repeat all 1:00 Through the Legs Dribble moving forwards & backwards 3FT3 Free Throws -- 8x2Skip Attack + Power FinishLeft leg skip + ball in right hand, Right leg skip + ball in left hand 8x2Scissor Dribble +Jousting Finish Scissor dribble, when defense moves, go & create separation w/ forearm 3FT3 Free Throws -- 8x2Post Moves: 1.Drop step2.Dribble drop step3.Up & under Each player will make 48 total post move shots. 3FT3 Free Throws
-- 1/2 GKenny SP: Shoot / Pass, Move locations. 1 ROUND; Example: 7th grader will do one 3:30 round 1/2 GKenny SPB: Shoot / Pass / Bounce, Move locations. 1 ROUND; Example: 7th grader will do one 3:30 round 3FT3 Free Throws -- Gx3Hot Potato@ Left wing, FT line, Right wing - Ex: 7th grader will make 7 reps in 3 spots 3SFTSWISH 3 Free Throws
MISSION COMPLETED. Mark dates on your plan and send to your team leader once finished with Round 1!